News International’s “single biggest strategic mistake”

news international logoLast year Katie Vanneck-Smith talked about what she’s learnt at News International as chief marketing officer, following their “single biggest strategic mistake”.

Here’s a a selection of headline quotes, give yourself the 13 minutes to watch it all.

  • “Unstoppable page view growth and unstartable profits”
  • “15% of The Times are delivered on tablets.”
  • “Ask yourself, is TV the right media to market a product that actually only costs 30p to sell?
  • “The senior teams in our organisations struggled to understand the power of social media”
  • Five big learning a at NI:
    • “Break down those hierarchies  “
    • “Banned digital as a challenge, embraced it as an enabler”
    • “Make friends with finance, but marry the technologists”
    • “We brought the best tech developers and IT developers into the marketing department… …they’re there to have great ideas, create great stuff, and get it to market really fast”
    • “Culture of constant learning and adapting”
  • “Got a digital mentor, ie someone who’s under 25 and for them none of this is new”


Found by @spirals


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I am Tom Steel, I live in Sussex and work in digital services in London.
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