Category: Odd
What time does your website close?
The Local Government Association has complied it’s list of the 10 most bizzare calls councils have received in the past year. While many people can be suprised at the range of services run their local council, crossword solving (“A call from an elderly lady asking for help on her crossword. Seven letters, James Bond’s cat…
(Very) Honest webdesign feedback.
How can you get really honest feedback about your website or digital project? Richard Littauer realised that when he gets drunk, he gets very honest, and it turns out people are willing to pay for his honest appraisals of their work. So he set up The User Is Drunk. In fact, so many people have been willing…
Great lines don’t come automatically
A cartoon by XKCD. From XKCD: iOS Keyboard
Facebook recommends your competition
I “like” the football team I support on Facebook. Unfortunately this has lead to Facebook suggesting the following 7 other (similar?) teams I might also “like”: Liking a football team doesn’t work like that Facebook, and I wonder how many businesses have their competition recommended to customers by Facebook?
Dog shaming
Everyone who has a put has been shamed by that pet at some point. Our cat once stole and ate a whole block of cheese. I didn’t think cats liked cheese. It seems a more common problem with dogs, as the blog helps publicise. If you have a dog, and you’ve been shamed, maybe you can contact
How far can you take TV merchandising?
Following from my earlier post about a bloody bathmat, while I was looking for Dexter links I found the official “Showtime” website, the American network which premiers Dexter. You can buy merchandise for their TV shows, and I was intrigued by what merchandise they sold for a TV programme about a blood splatter analysis serial…
If Dexter was your friend
I’ve been watching a lot of Dexter recently on my daily commute, and in my daily blog tour I noticed this:
The very best of Amazon customer’s reviews
Here’s a selection of reviews I’ve seen on Amazon that I thought I’d collect together for other’s entertainment. Enjoy. Microwave for one – $19.92 Buy this book, or don’t, I don’t care anymore “It used to be that I got home from work and the only thing I’d want to put in my mouth was the…
My chicken is ill
This what I like about the unpredictable side of social media (unpredictable in the sense of what catches people attention, not what happens next) and the unexpected rise of a meme. BBC documentary Deaf Teens last night was in interesting insight into the life and challenges facing teenagers as they prepare to leave school and…