Tag: digital

  • What do you do if you don’t know why you’re doing it?

    What do you do if you don’t know why you’re doing it?

    I enjoy recognising overlaps between different industries and careers. Here’s a quote from an unnamed TV show about the SAS (though I suspect it’s Rouge Heroes). “What happens when something goes wrong? (And something always goes wrong.) What do you do if you don’t know why you’re doing it? How do you find another way…

  • Being a digital human – a fear to break the magic

    I’ve been meaning to recommend the BBC Digital Human radio show and podcast since my wife found it a few weeks ago and it’s one of those programs that I wish I’d found sooner. Thankfully the BBC have a full podcast archive and a tumblr blog so you don’t miss out. The program looks at how at how…

  • News International’s “single biggest strategic mistake”

    Last year Katie Vanneck-Smith talked about what she’s learnt at News International as chief marketing officer, following their “single biggest strategic mistake”. Here’s a a selection of headline quotes, give yourself the 13 minutes to watch it all. “Unstoppable page view growth and unstartable profits” “15% of The Times are delivered on tablets.” “Ask yourself,…