Everybody thinks they need an infographic


A quick definition of an infographic (which I’ve just made up)

“To present a selection of data sets in a way which adds context and value in a visually appealing way”

The key here is adding context and value. Not just big numbers in a big font next a picture. There are sites devoted to highlighting great infographics (visual.ly), and there are sites dedicated to shame the worst (www.worstinfographic.com).

If you’ve always wanted to create your own infographic to hit the wall of fame or site of shame, infogr.am gives you the tools to easily create visually appealing charts and diagrams, you just have to supply the data and an understand of what you’re trying to communicate.

If your infographic is free for public viewing, then it’s free to make. Charges kick in if you want to create private graphics and have more control of the design.



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I am Tom Steel, I live in Sussex and work in digital services in London.
Reading this blog and looking at my photos on Flickr will probably tell you more than a few words here could.

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