Tag: graphic design

  • Be consistent. But consistent with what?

    Be consistent. But consistent with what?

    At UX Collective, Duncan Stephen writes about consistency in design. He points out that there’s a real danger in being too consistent, as it can make individual services within a large portfolio harder to distinguish. But what were Microsoft thinking when they designed the icons for SharePoint and Sway? Not only do they have the…

  • Everybody thinks they need an infographic

    A quick definition of an infographic (which I’ve just made up) “To present a selection of data sets in a way which adds context and value in a visually appealing way” The key here is adding context and value. Not just big numbers in a big font next a picture. There are sites devoted to…

  • Why do creative people sometimes steal?

    About a year ago my wife and I spotted an independant graphic designer, Kyleigh, who was selling paper cuts through Not on The High Street. We liked her work and got in touch to commission a special piece for my wife’s sister in law’s wedding. Even though Kyleigh was just about to have a baby, she completed the work in time…