Elise Hein writes for uxdesign.cc about missing the fun in accessibility. Much of the whit and whimsy of the internet is restricted to those who have the pleasure of browsing with whatever browser they like, with no need for ever changing the default settings.
Instead of keeping easter eggs and bonus content neatly tucked away so that they don’t break when assistive technology is involved, how often are these elements added with inclusivity in mind from the start?
Event he most common outlet for a website’s cheeky side is often dismissed when accessibility is considered.
Let’s look at error pages, a quintessential outlet for playfulness in design. When you interrupt your users with an unexpected error, you probably want to do so with friendly humility. Any chuckle you can elicit with a creative illustration will soften the message more.
It’s an example of a deeper ignorance of how user needs change for different users. Consuming content or a service through a different medium can require a different way to approach the way a user need is met.
Instead of making a feature merely accessible via different mediums, consider whether it’s actually useful at all in those mediums, and provide alternatives or configuration options where appropriate… …An example Jakob gave of a product that gets it right is Slack. In its onboarding flow, Slack asks screen reader users which order they would like to hear content presented in.
Read the full article at https://uxdesign.cc/wheres-the-fun-in-accessibility-b78c6b9d280d. Found thanks to https://twitter.com/sidebario/status/1550406503764561920 .
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