Tom's brought a new toy

Boxed cameraHere’s a new toy I have just brought. I already have a Canon SLR but mine is slightly older, (a 400D) and this is brand new. It is also not for me, but for my sister.

Needless to say I am jealous. The kit lense has image stabalisation, the camera has spot metering and live view, and it has a larger and brighter view finder.

I made the purchase in Jessops, which I will try to never do again. Chain store fever struck again. It was frustratingly difficult to just buy a camera. No i don’t want extra insurance, or a bag, or a rip off memory card (£38.99 for a standard 4GB memory card? Ridiculous. ).






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I am Tom Steel, I live in Sussex and work in digital services in London.
Reading this blog and looking at my photos on Flickr will probably tell you more than a few words here could.

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