Tag: camera

  • Telling people’s stories by letting them tell it themselves.

    Telling people’s stories by letting them tell it themselves.

    So much of work within a communications team is about telling a story – using it to show or reinforce a connection between a person and and someone or something else. This is easier than it’s ever been in today’s digital world, and one of the key advances of the web has been its ability to empower people to…

  • Long lost story of unbelievable bulk film loader.

    I read a story in September that was quite unbelievable. Mike Mitchell, who writes for the Online Photographer was sent a package from China by a fan of his. But the details involved of how, why, and what are quite remarkable. It gives you a hope for the little things in life, and help you…

  • Tom's brought a new toy

    Here’s a new toy I have just brought. I already have a Canon SLR but mine is slightly older, (a 400D) and this is brand new. It is also not for me, but for my sister. Needless to say I am jealous. The kit lense has image stabalisation, the camera has spot metering and live…