Tag: charity

  • Good apps to do good with

    Good apps to do good with

    If you feel like you’re on your phone too much, put the gadget to good use with these four apps. Give blood The NHS Give Blood app lets you track your donor history and see where and when you can donate next. iOS | Android Be focused Be good to yourself with the Forest app…

  • Featured Video Play Icon

    You care, but do you care enough to do something about it?

    A small London based charity The Pilion Trust have released a fundraising advert based on a social experiment testing the public’s opinion of poor people (contains swearing). [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBuC_0-d-9Y[/youtube] Like many campaigns which aim to solicit a reaction, this presents and extreme view and proposes that it’s all very well in saying something is wrong, but…

  • Getting the message across about Parkinson’s disease

    This is a great piece of advertising for Parkinson’s UK, communicating so much through a simple idea which is easily understood.

  • Donating to a political party

    With the recent pay-per-view Prime Minister scandal and the publicity over Conservative Party “Donor Clubs“, I was interested what a donation to each of the main parties got you. I did class the Lib Dems as a main party, but they don’t tempt you with what your money buys so aren’t included below. So here’s what…

  • What to blog about? Hacking? Corruption? Terrorism? Drug abuse?

    A lot has happened in the last few weeks since I last wrote, and a lot has been written across the media in various forms. But put aside those stories and go to UNICEF’s website and donate some money towards their emergency famine appeal. A child is dying every six minutes and you can help.…

  • 24 Hour experiments in Twitter

    Companies are always looking for new ways to raise their profile and market themselves on twitter, but sometimes its the charity and even public sector that lead on innovative ways to raise awareness, forced to try news ways on limited budgets and powered by enthusiasm to make a difference. One example of this is the…

  • A social media example – not just opinion.

    A good piece about difficulties and successes of using social media, with real examples – not just opinions! “A Positive Response to a ‘Negative’ Tweet“. How refreshing. About a month ago I had this same conversation with my friend Shira Lazar and she said something interesting. The topic was on trying to get someone to stop…

  • An online paper petition with heart.

    The latest site I’ve been working on is for the British Heart Foundation to promote their campaign for a new government strategy for heart and circulatory disease. The site is flash based and features a crowd of origami people campaigning for BHF, and by signing the petition another person is created on screen who joins…

  • Second hand sale online

    Charities have been running online shops for some time, and beyond the basic sales of fundraising items in recent years they have moved to offering real life solutions (or ethical giving) to their cause – buy a goat for an african village, teach a classroom with a supply of textbooks. Oxfam have expanded their store…

  • Charity impact reporting. All online and interactive.

    Yes, posts have been pretty scarce recently, and like 90% of bloggers this is not intended and I plan to get back on the blogging roll as soon as possible. Honest. Really. But my writing hasn’t just faded for no worthwhile reason, I have just been working on a new site which launched this week:…