Tag: advert

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    Umbrellas up, heads down – how to still get your message seen

    East Asian agency Ogilvy Asia have created a campain to promote holidays to Hong Kong residents as they battle through the rainy season. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/94505970[/vimeo] I’m not sure how durable the water repelant is, but it’s certainly an innovative idea. Found at www.springwise.com/holiday-ads-rain/

  • Littering says a lot about you.

    Do people litter because they’re lazy? Or a lowlife? Toronto has recently run a campaign using litter to spell out what kind of person make a mess of their city. A simple idea well executed. From www.visualnews.com/2014/08/26/littering-says-lot-smart-ad-campaign-toronto/

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    You care, but do you care enough to do something about it?

    A small London based charity The Pilion Trust have released a fundraising advert based on a social experiment testing the public’s opinion of poor people (contains swearing). [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBuC_0-d-9Y[/youtube] Like many campaigns which aim to solicit a reaction, this presents and extreme view and proposes that it’s all very well in saying something is wrong, but…

  • If you are the product social media sells, how can you cut out the middle man?

    For years people have been trying to educate users of social media sites such as Facebook and twitter with articles such as “Facebook: You’re Not the Customer, You’re the Product” (Time.com, Oct 2010), “You are Facebook’s product, not customer” (Wired.com. Sept 2011) and “If You’re Not Paying For It, You Become The Product” (Forbes, May…

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    Advertising an illusion

    A new advert for Honda exploits many classic visual optical illusions very effectively. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UelJZG_bF98[/youtube] From mashable.com/2013/10/22/honda-uk-ad/

  • I didn’t have this dream

    As a company how do you capitalise on national interest in a particular event? Not like this: (which has since been deleted and an apology posted in it’s place, much to the confusion of those who didn’t see the original below) From twitter.com/jyarow/status/372745989091651585/photo/1 Done right it can be great Adidas released this picture on twitter following…

  • Shorter films

    “How come films are getting longer? YouTube seems to have allowed creatives to indulge their long form ambitions and make commercials that are 2 minutes long rather than 30 seconds. These longer ads aren’t really any better, either, just bloated. The trend for longer ads is odd given that people skip the ads anyway and…

  • Long copy isnt back

    The Asbury & Asbury blog recently had a great post about some long copy Apple adverts: Asbury & Asbury: Long copy isnt back. “Right now, it feels like more and more people are questioning Apple’s claim to superiority. Maybe this was Apple about to come out and tell a few home truths. Remind us exactly how…

  • You wanted a beer, but is it Lionel Richie you’re looking for?

    “It’s a fantastic use of one of the most recognizable songs in history… … and Lord only knows what it cost to install that chandelier and tune the piano, to say nothing of rights to the music and union wages.”   [youtube]http://youtu.be/aQ1xcPzRbGk[/youtube] From www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/ad-day-tap-king-150780

  • When two Spocks go to war…

    “Mr. Spocks past and present face off in this ad for Audi. Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock in the latest Star Trek films, and Leonard Nimoy, who originated the role in the ’60s TV show, apparently are quite competitive with each other.”     [youtube]http://youtu.be/WPkByAkAdZs[/youtube] From mashable.com/2013/05/07/zachary-quinto-leonard-nimoy-audi-ad/