Odd maps, making food and emergency drinks

This is a post I started writing a month ago but things have been busy recently. Better late than never…

There’s been quite a few sites and features which have caught my eye over the last few days, so here’s a little summary of what’s stood out for me:

Shiny Shiny’s website of the week combines two of my geeky interests – maps and photography. They’ve uncovered the Map of Strange which collates the unusual findings people make while browsing the aerial photos of Google Earth or Google Maps (or you online satellite imagery site of choice). Anything from a hotel shaped like a crocodile to a boat graveyard to dozens of crop circles.

Swissmiss, another blog which is worth reading bring together some other interests – social web and food. She’s found Open Source Food which is a free collection of recipies with photos. Reminds me of a pitch on Dragons Den a few weeks ago from the creators of iFoods.tv – a youtube of recipies, nice idea.

In case of emergencyFinally something I do like and something I put up with. Going Underground caught site of this emergency notice by Stuart Clary on my very own Victoria Line. I like a good Margarita, I’ll be keeping an eye out for it.





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I am Tom Steel, I live in Sussex and work in digital services in London.
Reading this blog and looking at my photos on Flickr will probably tell you more than a few words here could.

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