Free festivals, films, picnics and more.

More London Scoop and City HallI’m a big fan of free things, and living in an expensive city like London you have to make the most of them. Which can be quite tricky when there’s free stuff going on everywhere you look.

The closing weeks of June are a particularly good example of this, there’s the London Festival of Architecture for starters which is running for the next four weeks, then there’s The Greenwich and Docklands International Festival this weekend. The Scoop is showing free open air films (which it does every year) at the moment too, and there’s even a reason to visit Tottenham for the Lea Valley festival for a day of “Picnic and Performance”.

Thanks to Diamond Geezer (who has even more free events to check out) and the Londonist (who has lots more about the London Festival of Architecture) for the heads up on these goings on.





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