Tag: twitter

  • Sell the moment, buy the moment!

    Just what we need, more tweets filling our timelines with messages from companies trying to “engage” with people through with tenuous links to an anniversary, event or religious holiday. Does twitter know the history behind “Good Friday“? I expect their sample tweet may not really connect with its Christian customers.They didn’t even have buses in…

  • Scoop the poop up

    Monmouthshire County Council have a nice little twitter campaign launching for the weekend asking why don’t people scoop the poop up? #stpu It’s lead by some meme styled photos of dogs looking bewildered and laughing at their owners behaviour and is a good twist on dog mess from the pet’s perspective.

  • Dear John (Lewis)

    Dear John (Lewis)

    The John Lewis Partnership hasn’t been fortunate enough to claim the @johnlewis twitter account, it was snapped up in 2007 by another John Lewis from Blacksburg, Virginia.They had to settle for @johnlewisretail. But they didn’t cause a fuss, and @johnlewis has embraced his fellow John Lewis and has been given the title of  The most patient…

  • Don’t just ‘do’ customer services on twitter, do it quickly.

    Don’t just ‘do’ customer services on twitter, do it quickly.

    Customers expect to be served by social media, and they expect that service to come quickly, according to research by Lithium Technologies. Fifty-three percent of consumers who expect a brand to respond to their Tweet want that response in less than an hour. When those consumers are tweeting complaints, that figure skyrockets to a whopping 72 percent.…

  • The 29 Stages Of A Twitterstorm

    The life cycle of twitter outrage has been neatly laid out by BuzzFeed, all 29 stages of it. I won’t spoil the enjoyment of enjoying how a storm evolves by posting excerpts here, go to www.buzzfeed.com/tomphillips/the-29-stages-of-a-twitterstorm for the full peice.

  • Overheard: Unappreciated social

    Last week I was at a conference with a large number of national and international businesses. Following some breakout sessions I was standing behind three delegates from Phones for you in the lunch queue. It appeared they had been to a session about Social Media and were rather unimpressed with what they heard. Delegate one:…

  • What do you share with who? Web 2.0 is slowly being locked down.

    I often go through phases of using different social networks to update different people in what’s going on and chat to friends and colleagues. Each of my main networks (twitter, facebook, instagram, Flickr, Google+) is used by different groups of people in different ways, and it’s partly this that gets me active on one and…

  • My chicken is ill

    This what I like about the unpredictable side of social media (unpredictable in the sense of what catches people attention, not what happens next) and the unexpected rise of a meme. BBC documentary Deaf Teens last night was in interesting insight into the life and challenges facing teenagers as they prepare to leave school and…

  • 24 Hour experiments in Twitter

    Companies are always looking for new ways to raise their profile and market themselves on twitter, but sometimes its the charity and even public sector that lead on innovative ways to raise awareness, forced to try news ways on limited budgets and powered by enthusiasm to make a difference. One example of this is the…

  • Southern let the customer tweet for them.

    Some say “it’s better to have no twitter account at all than an inactive one“, but I’m not sure that Southern feel that way, as two twitter accounts with their name on are not promoting the rail company in very good light. Firstly, @southerntrains is mostly harmless narrating the life of a commuter in south…