Tag: facebook

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    Use Facebook advertising to need facebook advertising

    If you’ve been tempted by Facebook advertising to boost the views of your content, think again. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfHeWTKjag[/youtube] While the views of your boosted content are certain to increase, your other content has been proven to suffer. This video is from earlier this year, but the issues have actually been around a for few years now,…

  • Facebook recommends your competition

    I “like” the football team I support on Facebook. Unfortunately this has lead to Facebook suggesting the following 7 other (similar?) teams I might also “like”: Liking a football team doesn’t work like that Facebook, and I wonder how many businesses have their competition recommended to customers by Facebook?

  • If you are the product social media sells, how can you cut out the middle man?

    For years people have been trying to educate users of social media sites such as Facebook and twitter with articles such as “Facebook: You’re Not the Customer, You’re the Product” (Time.com, Oct 2010), “You are Facebook’s product, not customer” (Wired.com. Sept 2011) and “If You’re Not Paying For It, You Become The Product” (Forbes, May…

  • The circle of online life

    The circle of online life

    Kids Teenagers take up new technology Usage spreads to university and young adults Technology enters the mainstream Even parents and grandparents use it Kids and teenagers take up new technology… And so it goes. Facebook has reported in it’s November earnings report that it saw a decrease in daily users, specifically among teens Parmy Olson writes…

  • 7 Ways to Be Insufferable on Facebook. Alternative title: “Internalize your locus of control, author-dude.”

    Many people find FaceBook annoying, but often lay the blame with someone else. It can’t possibly be their fault their news feed is filled with pointless updates, can it? The article “7 Ways to Be Insufferable on Facebook” on the Huffington Post earlier this month by the anonymous Wait but why delves into the angry…

  • This consumer will not be a product.

    A few attention grabbing quotes from Mr  Eben Moglen. Anonymity is not profitable “In the 21st century that means they are committed against anonymity no matter what they think they are doing because anonymity is not profitable” Facebook is a private intelligence service “What is wrong with Mr. Zuckerberg is not that he runs a private…

  • The Innovation of Loneliness

    A short video about the antisocial nature of social networks.       [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/70534716[/vimeo]  

  • What do you share with who? Web 2.0 is slowly being locked down.

    I often go through phases of using different social networks to update different people in what’s going on and chat to friends and colleagues. Each of my main networks (twitter, facebook, instagram, Flickr, Google+) is used by different groups of people in different ways, and it’s partly this that gets me active on one and…

  • My chicken is ill

    This what I like about the unpredictable side of social media (unpredictable in the sense of what catches people attention, not what happens next) and the unexpected rise of a meme. BBC documentary Deaf Teens last night was in interesting insight into the life and challenges facing teenagers as they prepare to leave school and…