Year: 2021

  • Easy is hard

    Easy is hard

    On the Design in Government blog, John Newton has written about creating Easy Read content. So, to clear things up, easy read is used mainly by people with learning difficulties. It uses pictures and text to convey meaning. He created prototypes and conducted user research on them with real users. The insight was invaluable. It’s…

  • Be consistent. But consistent with what?

    Be consistent. But consistent with what?

    At UX Collective, Duncan Stephen writes about consistency in design. He points out that there’s a real danger in being too consistent, as it can make individual services within a large portfolio harder to distinguish. But what were Microsoft thinking when they designed the icons for SharePoint and Sway? Not only do they have the…

  • Enabling enabling teams

    Enabling enabling teams

    Enabling teams are the machines that run the machines. The fuel injector that provides the engine with petrol. They’re crucial to the delivery of products and services, but can rub against the agile product delivery cycles. Mark Dalgarno has written about the enabling mindset that’s need for delivery teams to get the most out of…

  • Humans will always struggle to be content

    Humans will always struggle to be content

    In 2018, Brandon Speck wrote an article in about “Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment“. It details a series of experiments which show how important context is to humans in how they perceive world around them. 200 subjects were shown 1,000 coloured dots and asked to identify which were blue, and which were purple.…

  • Researching remotely

    Researching remotely

    Sophie Drouet has written about her experience in conducting user research remotely, talking from her experience in Action for Research‘s digital service team. When I start a project, I want to: Know what research is already out there Find statistics, user research and projects that I can learn from Make sure I’m not duplicating stuff…

  • Good and bad remote working

    Good and bad remote working

    Stuff I appreciate more Goldilocks office temperature. Fortunately the office was always a decent temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. The spare corner of home which has become the office is always cold. Nice in summer, painfully cold in winter. The commute The train journey buffer between work and home life and responsibility gave…