Year: 2013

  • Scoop the poop up

    Monmouthshire County Council have a nice little twitter campaign launching for the weekend asking why don’t people scoop the poop up? #stpu It’s lead by some meme styled photos of dogs looking bewildered and laughing at their owners behaviour and is a good twist on dog mess from the pet’s perspective.

  • *Santa* is a concept, not an idea

    Communications agency (or “brand language consultants” the URL of their about page reads) Quietroom have released a set of brand guidelines for *santa* just in time for Christmas: As well as Santas values, promise and brand journey, you can also find out how to live the brand, who is occupying *Santa*’s space and the curve of…

  • John Lewis and John Lewis

    The John Lewis Partnership hasn’t been fortunate enough to claim the @johnlewis twitter account, it was snapped up by another John Lewis from Blacksburg, Virginia. The co-operative had to settle for @johnlewisretail, but they didn’t cause a fuss, and @johnlewis has recently been given the title of “The most patient and polite man on twitter“. His…

  • Everyday comms

    You know when you’ve been working in communications team for a while when you find yourself taking a picture of a letter from your energy company thinking “that’s a clear message, I think I’ll blog that…) So here is said picture of a letter from eon. We’ve just switched suppliers and this tells me clearly…

  • Real retro iphone gaming

    One of the biggest uses of smartphones is gaming, (60% of owners play games, 67% of time spent is playing games and 80% of app revenue comes from games) and now you can play on your phone without draining the battery. PureGear have created a range of phone cases with old school ball and maze…

  • Dear John (Lewis)

    Dear John (Lewis)

    The John Lewis Partnership hasn’t been fortunate enough to claim the @johnlewis twitter account, it was snapped up in 2007 by another John Lewis from Blacksburg, Virginia.They had to settle for @johnlewisretail. But they didn’t cause a fuss, and @johnlewis has embraced his fellow John Lewis and has been given the title of  The most patient…

  • Don’t just ‘do’ customer services on twitter, do it quickly.

    Don’t just ‘do’ customer services on twitter, do it quickly.

    Customers expect to be served by social media, and they expect that service to come quickly, according to research by Lithium Technologies. Fifty-three percent of consumers who expect a brand to respond to their Tweet want that response in less than an hour. When those consumers are tweeting complaints, that figure skyrockets to a whopping 72 percent.…

  • The circle of online life

    The circle of online life

    Kids Teenagers take up new technology Usage spreads to university and young adults Technology enters the mainstream Even parents and grandparents use it Kids and teenagers take up new technology… And so it goes. Facebook has reported in it’s November earnings report that it saw a decrease in daily users, specifically among teens Parmy Olson writes…

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    Do long hours get the best or better of you?

    [vimeo][/vimeo] Jason James at We Are Mamoth writes about the culture of working long hours, and what those 45 hour weeks really mean. His first point goes straight to the money: If you’re salaried, you’re working for free. After 40 hours a week, every hour you work adds $0 additional dollars into your pocket. But…

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    Android apps open up to web search

    One of the main reasons I rarely recommend a mobile app for a council service is that any information contained within the app is only available within the app – it can’t be found by google or other search engines. But that’s changing, with apps built for android 4.4 including app indexing which will allow…