Year: 2014

  • A guide to getting responsive – a site for all sizes

    A guide to getting responsive – a site for all sizes

    I’ve been spending some time recently researching the evolving world of responsive design and want to collect here some of the information, guides and tools in one place. For starters, here’s a general overview of responsive design including tips and examples: Responsive Web Layouts For Mobile Screens: Intro, Tips And Examples – Now for some more technical articles which…

  • Great lines don’t come automatically

    A cartoon by XKCD. From XKCD: iOS Keyboard

  • Telling a story over time.

    Telling a story over time.

    Firstly, lets get this out the way: I don’t condone grafitti, but do enjoy street art, and think there can be a happy medium. In London’s E1, a street artist has been telling a story, line by line on the wall of Jerome Street. Each time the grafitti is removed, the next line of the story is…

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    Use Facebook advertising to need facebook advertising

    If you’ve been tempted by Facebook advertising to boost the views of your content, think again. [youtube][/youtube] While the views of your boosted content are certain to increase, your other content has been proven to suffer. This video is from earlier this year, but the issues have actually been around a for few years now,…

  • Mobile web: Design it fast and for thumbs

    Mobile web: Design it fast and for thumbs

    I used to be impatient, but now I just don’t have the time Google have released some new guidance on designing fast mobile websites, which can load a page on a mobile within a second.  The one second rule come from research by the Nielsen Norman Group that 1 second is: “about the limit for the…

  • Littering says a lot about you.

    Do people litter because they’re lazy? Or a lowlife? Toronto has recently run a campaign using litter to spell out what kind of person make a mess of their city. A simple idea well executed. From

  • Build your website based on evidence, not false beliefs.

    Build your website based on evidence, not false beliefs.

    Zoltán Gócza and Zoltán Kollin have created a list of common web design misconceptions and collected data, facts, quotes and articles to separate fact from fiction about so many so called myths. It’s an essential list for anyone working with websites, not to learn from, but to make your job of educating and providing the necessary evidence…

  • Facebook recommends your competition

    I “like” the football team I support on Facebook. Unfortunately this has lead to Facebook suggesting the following 7 other (similar?) teams I might also “like”: Liking a football team doesn’t work like that Facebook, and I wonder how many businesses have their competition recommended to customers by Facebook?

  • Sell the moment, buy the moment!

    Just what we need, more tweets filling our timelines with messages from companies trying to “engage” with people through with tenuous links to an anniversary, event or religious holiday. Does twitter know the history behind “Good Friday“? I expect their sample tweet may not really connect with its Christian customers.They didn’t even have buses in…

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    You care, but do you care enough to do something about it?

    A small London based charity The Pilion Trust have released a fundraising advert based on a social experiment testing the public’s opinion of poor people (contains swearing). [youtube][/youtube] Like many campaigns which aim to solicit a reaction, this presents and extreme view and proposes that it’s all very well in saying something is wrong, but…