Tag: science

  • Order without authority

    Order without authority

    Charles Lambdin writes about the science of agile, using Jonathan Rauch’s book “Kindly Inquisitors” as a guide of the history of philosophy, politics, and science of agile’s evolutionary mindset: The thread running through all of this is the deemphasis of central planning and privileged positions, of pretending we can know the future or declare immutable…

  • Humans will always struggle to be content

    Humans will always struggle to be content

    In 2018, Brandon Speck wrote an article in www.livescience.com about “Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment“. It details a series of experiments which show how important context is to humans in how they perceive world around them. 200 subjects were shown 1,000 coloured dots and asked to identify which were blue, and which were purple.…