Tag: human

  • Good and bad remote working

    Good and bad remote working

    Stuff I appreciate more Goldilocks office temperature. Fortunately the office was always a decent temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. The spare corner of home which has become the office is always cold. Nice in summer, painfully cold in winter. The commute The train journey buffer between work and home life and responsibility gave…

  • A predictable random thought

    A predictable random thought

    Can human beings be random? Machine learning is influencing more and more public and corporate services and products with its ability to review and test a seemingly infinite number of scenarious and behaviours.

  • Don’t just show your audience the highlights; put them in the story.

    Red Bull is not a typical company. Most people think it’s a company which makes an energy drink and sponsors lots of adventure sports, and they’re half right. What Red Bull excel at is marketing. They don’t sponsor lots of sports, they own lots of sports. They don’t sponsor an F1 team, they own an F1…

  • Present the story of data, not just data

    Present the story of data, not just data

    Managing Partner and Vice President of Services at The Henderson Group, Terry Gault has posted a list of the 10 most common rookie presentation mistakes on the Prezi blog. Number five is “Data centric presentations: If your talk is focused on data rather than the vivid human story the data tells, you are in trouble.” When working…