Tag: collaboration

  • Poles apart

    Poles apart

    I’ve just read Poles Apart: Why People Turn Against Each Other, and How to Bring Them Together after having it recommended by an old colleague. It is well researched, insightful and accessibly written. It has earned many highlights on my Kindle and I recommend you read it yourself. Here are some of the quotes that…

  • Two new old tools – Mindmup and Tricider

    Two new old tools – Mindmup and Tricider

    Here’s two free online tools which do something you’d usually have to pay for. They’re not new, but they’re new to me.: Brainstorming/mindmapping/cloud thinking Whatever you call it, there’s often the need to get a load of ideas or thoughts out of your head and onto paper (or screen). www.mindmup.com is a free web tool and app which lets…

  • “Why we fail”, or “getting the design right and getting the right design.”

    Victor Lombard writes about the downfall of Google Wave… I think of it this way: if we only test bottle openers, we may never realize customers prefer screw-top bottles. That’s what Buxton means by getting the right design. A classic interface design guideline is that any object that looks familiar should behave in a familiar…