Tag: business

  • Business jargon shows what people would be rather be doing

    Business jargon shows what people would be rather be doing

    Liz Ryan  has written a piece at forbes.com titled “What Business Jargon Says About Us“. I found two things particularly interesting. Firstly the fact that most jargon relates to sport, war and cars: Over time it occurred to me that these activities — playing or watching sports, fighting enemies and driving cars as fast as…

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    Do long hours get the best or better of you?

    [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/24735256[/vimeo] Jason James at We Are Mamoth writes about the culture of working long hours, and what those 45 hour weeks really mean. His first point goes straight to the money: If you’re salaried, you’re working for free. After 40 hours a week, every hour you work adds $0 additional dollars into your pocket. But…

  • Accepting the risk of failure doesn’t excuse a lack of preparation

    Erika Hall has written an opinion piece for Wired challenging the acceptance of failure in modern business, particularly in new start-ups. That kind of thinking might be fine for entrepreneurs focusing only on their personal risk and fear of failure, but it has real financial, cultural, and opportunity costs for businesses Research is not about…

  • Basics Of Social Media ROI

    Thanks to Carl Haggerty for posting up this presentation by Oliver Blanchard, something which cuts through the social media crap and shows obvious ways to tell if all your social marketing is actually doing anything. And of course what’s key to any good presentation, it has excellent graphics. Olivier Blanchard Basics Of Social Media Roi…

  • 10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging

    This is the kind of post I wish I could write if I was more literate. It sums up very neatly all the problems which so many companies and organisations have. It’s a mix of venting frustration with reading terrible blogs whilst nudging you away from falling into the traps yourself. Read all about it…