Tag: advertising

  • Interview with Dave Trott

    Interview with Dave Trott

    Dave Trottis an exceptional person. Born in east london, found his trade in New York, and built his reputation as an advertising master back in England.

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    Umbrellas up, heads down – how to still get your message seen

    East Asian agency Ogilvy Asia have created a campain to promote holidays to Hong Kong residents as they battle through the rainy season. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/94505970[/vimeo] I’m not sure how durable the water repelant is, but it’s certainly an innovative idea. Found at www.springwise.com/holiday-ads-rain/

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    Use Facebook advertising to need facebook advertising

    If you’ve been tempted by Facebook advertising to boost the views of your content, think again. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfHeWTKjag[/youtube] While the views of your boosted content are certain to increase, your other content has been proven to suffer. This video is from earlier this year, but the issues have actually been around a for few years now,…

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    The advert for every company and no company

    This stock video advertises why you shouldn’t use stock video [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YBtspm8j8M[/youtube] “Stock footage brand Dissolve puts its product to good use to call out lazy marketers peddling empty ideas.” Thanks to @MaryWbn for the link www.fastcocreate.com/3028162/this-generic-brand-ad-is-the-greatest-thing-about-the-absolute-worst-in-advertising  

  • Catching coincidence with a camera. And being honest about it.

    www.designzzz.com has just put together a nice collection of 20 photos which they’ve titled “Photos Taken at the Right Time From the Right Angle” (or in some cases very carefully constructed). The collection caught my eye because it features a picture I’ve seen on the web a few times before taken by Meg Pickard which…