Year: 2011

  • Christmas wishes for around the home

    Things I would have liked to have put on my Christmas list: Vintage Camera Pillows Found on and originally from PicNYC Table Found on–Furniture–Home.html and originally from Table and chairs cabinet Found on–Furniture–Home.html and originally

  • 6 Music Shout Out

    Here is a clip from Friday 16 December’s 6 Music breakfast show where Shaun Keavney reads out some middle aged shout outs. This one is for my brother who became a dad the day before: Download clip

  • Inventive spam

    Here’s a some recent spam comments which have caught my eye: In response to A cold winter evening at Brisbane Road: Hey There Blog, Maybe a little off topic, however, its not even the middle of winter and its already getting to 5°C… Kindest Regards In response to How tech giants deal with dissent: lovely…

  • Opening titles – making the effort.

    Good to see some real thought and imagination put into the opening titles on Game of Thrones: [youtube][/youtube] As opposed to another recent TV favourite of mine, Fringe, is pretty dull: [youtube][/youtube]

  • Playing about with

    Today I resurrected an account with after a launch of Version 2 last week. As a social portfolio it does very well. The only obvious account mising for me was but apart from that all the usual suspects were there along with the ability to add your own RSS feeds. You get a selection of designs…

  • Croydon Timelapse on Vimeo

    Simple timelapse of cloudy skies over Croydon taken with an iPhone4 using the TimeLapse app. The bright light in the centre is a reflection of the camera’s flash which came on. And yes, the window is that dirty! Croydon Timelapse on Vimeo

  • How tech giants deal with dissent.

    A few weeks ago I saw this peice on The Register about an Apple employee who was fired as a result of privately making derogatory comments about Apple’s brand and products on his Facebook wall. His undoing was that not all his “friends” were friends, and one printed off the comments and showed them to…

  • Positive and negative Google Plus hyperboyle, it’s all the same.

    These opinion pieces are everywhere. Why Google+ Pages Isn’t Good for Business 4 Reasons Google+ Brand Pages Will Be Better Than Facebook’s Google Plus Finds Sweet Spot Between Facebook & Twitter Google Engineer Calls Google Plus a ‘Complete Failure’; 5 Reasons We Agree Why It is Wrong to Call Google Plus a Failure Google Plus may be…

  • This blog is five years old.

    I started blogging on 25 october 2006, with a stupid video of a hamster. Since that day I have moved home 4 times, changed jobs 4 times,  got engaged, got married, brought a flat,  then a cat, then a house in Sussex I’ve travelled to Switzerland,  Italy,  France,  Belgium, and Brazil. I’ve seen friends and family marry in…

  • Isle of Mull – Panorama special

    I went to the isle of Mull for a long weekend last month for a friends wedding. And took a lot of photos,  (over 500). About a quarter of these were worth publishing on flickr, but I also took a few panoramas, either created using Photosynth or Autostitch on an iPhone. And here they are: