Tag: wedding

  • This blog is five years old.

    I started blogging on 25 october 2006, with a stupid video of a hamster. Since that day I have moved home 4 times, changed jobs 4 times,  got engaged, got married, brought a flat,  then a cat, then a house in Sussex I’ve travelled to Switzerland,  Italy,  France,  Belgium, and Brazil. I’ve seen friends and family marry in…

  • Fill the gap in the market with your own newspaper

    Seeing as there will be a blank space on many newsagents shelves next Sunday maybe this is the time to start you dream of creating your own newspaper? Of the designers I follow online, Ben Terret stands out and is one of the founders of Newspaper Club, a small company run by the Really Intersting…

  • I like the music music

    Oh, now this one I really like. I read about a lot of websites offering new services, new takes on an old theme, answers to problems which weren’t really there, and lots of “remember how you used to…”. This time I have actually come across a really great site. I have been a big fan…

  • This is true love – you think this happens every day?!?

    Name the film which the title of this post is from and I’ll owe you a beer. But more important than that is new that I have recently proposed to my girlfriend and we are to get married. This is the very best of news (to quote a sketch I once saw). I have drunk…