Tag: usability

  • (Very) Honest webdesign feedback.

    (Very) Honest webdesign feedback.

    How can you get really honest feedback about your website or digital project? Richard Littauer realised that when he gets drunk, he gets very honest, and it turns out people are willing to pay for his honest appraisals of their work. So he set up The User Is Drunk. In fact, so many people have been willing…

  • Build your website based on evidence, not false beliefs.

    Build your website based on evidence, not false beliefs.

    Zoltán Gócza and Zoltán Kollin have created a list of common web design misconceptions and collected data, facts, quotes and articles to separate fact from fiction about so many so called myths. It’s an essential list for anyone working with websites, not to learn from, but to make your job of educating and providing the necessary evidence…