Tag: smartphone

  • A guide to getting responsive – a site for all sizes

    A guide to getting responsive – a site for all sizes

    I’ve been spending some time recently researching the evolving world of responsive design and want to collect here some of the information, guides and tools in one place. For starters, here’s a general overview of responsive design including tips and examples: Responsive Web Layouts For Mobile Screens: Intro, Tips And Examples – www.hongkiat.com/blog/responsive-for-mobile-screens/ Now for some more technical articles which…

  • Real retro iphone gaming

    One of the biggest uses of smartphones is gaming, (60% of owners play games, 67% of time spent is playing games and 80% of app revenue comes from games) and now you can play on your phone without draining the battery. PureGear have created a range of phone cases with old school ball and maze…

  • Pretend to be a pigeon and Smart Suitcases.

    Here’s two unrelated pieces of technology which caught my eye today.