Tag: responsive design

  • A guide to getting responsive – a site for all sizes

    A guide to getting responsive – a site for all sizes

    I’ve been spending some time recently researching the evolving world of responsive design and want to collect here some of the information, guides and tools in one place. For starters, here’s a general overview of responsive design including tips and examples: Responsive Web Layouts For Mobile Screens: Intro, Tips And Examples – www.hongkiat.com/blog/responsive-for-mobile-screens/ Now for some more technical articles which…

  • There’s no such thing as future-proof

    There’s no such thing as future-proof

    Brad Frost is a web designer from Pittsburgh who recently spoke at web design dayon the topic “For a Future-Friendly Web“. His presentation is below, and his blog covers the detail and also has a video. Some highlights are: There’s no such thing as future-proof, but we can take steps to be more future-friendly. Content…

  • Stewart Lee “on not writing”

    “Stewart discusses the fantasy that stand-up comedy is spontaneous rather than written, and describes the evolution of stand-up over the last few decades. His talk takes in a wide range of subjects from the first app he ever came across to a discussion of the value of culture in society.” From russelldavies.typepad.com/planning/2013/08/on-not-writing.html [youtube]http://youtu.be/IrXVaytvJtQ[/youtube]

  • How to test responsive designs for free

    “So what is a developer to do? Thankfully, there is a growing number of browser-based tools available that emulate the screen sizes of a wide variety of devices. Different tools come with different feature sets and varying levels of utility, of course. We’ll look at several of them here.” From www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/07/how-to-test-responsive-designs-for-free/