Tag: council

  • Scoop the poop up

    Monmouthshire County Council have a nice little twitter campaign launching for the weekend asking why don’t people scoop the poop up? #stpu It’s lead by some meme styled photos of dogs looking bewildered and laughing at their owners behaviour and is a good twist on dog mess from the pet’s perspective.

  • Blurred social media boundaries with youth workers

    A Youth Engagement Practitioner has recently published some interesting survey results relating to Digital Engagement, describe by Carl Haggerty. I find it important to separate personal and professional social media use – many people I work with aren’t interested in a stream of pictures of my daughter, and family members don’t mind missing out on…

  • 24 Hour experiments in Twitter

    Companies are always looking for new ways to raise their profile and market themselves on twitter, but sometimes its the charity and even public sector that lead on innovative ways to raise awareness, forced to try news ways on limited budgets and powered by enthusiasm to make a difference. One example of this is the…

  • Using photography to promote a borough

    Council websites can often be a bit bland looking; lots of text, any imagery is straight from a stock library and usually struggles to properly relate to the content. One council has taken an altogether different approach with using locally sourced photography to dominate their homepage (they use a number of images, refresh to cycle through at…