Tag: brand

  • *Santa* is a concept, not an idea

    Communications agency (or “brand language consultants” the URL of their about page reads) Quietroom have released a set of brand guidelines for *santa* just in time for Christmas: www.quietroom.co.uk/santa_brandbook/. As well as Santas values, promise and brand journey, you can also find out how to live the brand, who is occupying *Santa*’s space and the curve of…

  • Bag of assumptions

    Russell Davies has written a good piece this week about his change from working in agencies and marketing departments to working at the Government Digital Service. Some choice quotes: “it’s been surprising to me how much ‘marketing thinking’ has come to dominate the way large organisations look at the world. It’s sad. That bag of assumptions…

  • Bending the corporate control of the games.

    I get regular emails from the London 2012 Olympic organisers about travel and ticket information but mostly trying to convince me to buy some official merchandise. It’s a collectors dream, everything you can think of can be sold with a London 2012 logo on for twice the normal price. There are very tight restrictions on…

  • Placebos, and thinking of brands having the same effect

    There’s a great video on Geary Behavioural Economics Blog whic offers some startling facts about placebos, including how colour, shape, size and volume can drastically alter their effect. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfRVCaA5o18[/youtube] Then 25 lttrs n th alphbt asks readers to “substitute in your mind “brand” for “placebo” The brain eh? Weird.