Year: 2009
2009 According to Adam and Joe
I commute for 180 minutes a day at the moment, and one thing that makes that journey bearable is podcasts of the Adam and Joe show on BBC 6 Music. If you’ve never listened, you’re too late, they’re taking a break for a few months. But here’s a snippet of what you’ve missed… (you can…
Got love for Lorem ipsum? Love this
I am often reliant on the Lorem ipsum genertor site when creating some design concepts, and thanks to Swiss Miss and Chesley I’ve found a supercharged version – the Dummy text generator. This gives you all the features of the Lorem ipsum generator but adds some extra touches such as adjuusting the size of the…
The world on your desktop – map wallpaper.
I like maps, and maps of the world are my favourites. So seeing do a feature on desktop world wallpapers has made my friday. Here’s a pick of some of the best, but make sure you visit for the whole bunch.
British PM Responds to Photographers’ e-petition
Thanks to the online photographer for highlighting the PM’s response to an e-petition on photography laws. Currently the law states: Section 58A makes it an offence to publish, communicate, elicit or attempt to elicit information about any of such persons which is of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing…
Guerilla signs on the tube
Annie Mole, the brains behind the Going Underground Blog has been collecting examples of Guerilla signs on the tube from her readers. Highlights include “For a more efficient service, please alight at the next stop where a team of heaveily drugged sloths will drag you to your destination” and “Peak hours may necessitate that you…
Desktop Wallpaper: October
Once again, the readers of Smashing Magazine have come up trumps with thier entries to the monthly wallpaper showcase. Here’s my pick of the bunch, I’ve gone for “Burnt Orange” as my favourite. Click on one to see it in full size glory.
I like fonts, I’m not quite a typography nut, but I do appreciate the brilliant influence that typography can have on design. So this post is all about typography, looking at three quite different angles. 1 – Toast As well as typography, I love toast, hot taost with melted butter, mmmmm, the breakfast of choice…
Pick a pickpocket to putpocket
It’s always good to read some positive news and this story about a campaign run by T-Mobile is interesting: News Blaze: You’ve Heard of Pickpockets, Putpockets Slip Money Into Unsuspecting Pockets The only downside I see is that the people who are being rewarded with free cash are the ones most likely to have it…
GPS tracking on iPhone and Google Maps
One of the many applications on my iPhone is MotionX-GPS with gives you a lot of information from the GPS receiver built into the phone. It gives you proper long/lat coordinates for your position, calculates speed, direction and altitude and most interestingly can track your route over time and email you a Google Maps link…