Tag: social

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    You care, but do you care enough to do something about it?

    A small London based charity The Pilion Trust have released a fundraising advert based on a social experiment testing the public’s opinion of poor people (contains swearing). [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBuC_0-d-9Y[/youtube] Like many campaigns which aim to solicit a reaction, this presents and extreme view and proposes that it’s all very well in saying something is wrong, but…

  • Got a Flickr Pro account? Then why are you still using Instagram?

    Flickr has been around a long time, one of the early “web 2.0” companies. But then they were brought by Yahoo and things went quiet. They went from an innovative exciting company leading the way in online photo sharing to stagnating and being overtaken by faster moving younger firms with fresh ideas exploring new opportunities. But…