Tag: photo

  • Cloud computing has a way to go

    Cloud computing has a way to go

    I’m sure there is someone, somewhere, working on an app which can do this.

  • Scoop the poop up

    Monmouthshire County Council have a nice little twitter campaign launching for the weekend asking why don’t people scoop the poop up? #stpu It’s lead by some meme styled photos of dogs looking bewildered and laughing at their owners behaviour and is a good twist on dog mess from the pet’s perspective.

  • Great new blog: thepeopleonthetube

    I found a great new blog today: thepeopleonthetube.wordpress.com. It highlights one of the things I miss about working/travelling/living in London – the diversity of people. From amazing clothes to knelling face down on the seats, you’ve got to love the people of London. I always say it’s impossible to really stand out in London, as this photo shows…