Tag: future

  • TechCrunch assesses the future of the local library

    TechCrunch assesses the future of the local library

    MG Siegler, a general partner at Google Ventures, has written a piece for TechCruch considering the viable future of the local library, a subject which can polarise opinions. It came about from another article on Wired.com – The Abomination of Ebooks: They Price People Out of Reading which reports on the ebook pricing and distribution…

  • There’s no such thing as future-proof

    There’s no such thing as future-proof

    Brad Frost is a web designer from Pittsburgh who recently spoke at web design dayon the topic “For a Future-Friendly Web“. His presentation is below, and his blog covers the detail and also has a video. Some highlights are: There’s no such thing as future-proof, but we can take steps to be more future-friendly. Content…

  • What do you share with who? Web 2.0 is slowly being locked down.

    I often go through phases of using different social networks to update different people in what’s going on and chat to friends and colleagues. Each of my main networks (twitter, facebook, instagram, Flickr, Google+) is used by different groups of people in different ways, and it’s partly this that gets me active on one and…