Tag: comedy

  • The 29 Stages Of A Twitterstorm

    The life cycle of twitter outrage has been neatly laid out by BuzzFeed, all 29 stages of it. I won’t spoil the enjoyment of enjoying how a storm evolves by posting excerpts here, go to www.buzzfeed.com/tomphillips/the-29-stages-of-a-twitterstorm for the full peice.

  • XKCD reaches 1,000

    Today the cartoon blog XKCD posted it’s 1000 cartoon. Here’s six favourites of the previous 999: – – – – –

  • Charlie Brooker isn’t a fan of the iPad

    First he did a nice piece on Newswipe (the example of content delivery is nice): [youtube width=”425″ height=”270″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9a74zoHEAE[/youtube] And then last night on 10 O’Clock Live was quick to jump on the iPad 2 launch (who DOES applaud a cable?!): [youtube width=”425″ height=”270″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmWnAE-SFeM[/youtube] Apple launch events must induce a strange mix of hysterical laughter and violent face palming in the…

  • Adam and Joe return to 6music

    And about bloody time. They resume service in April,  Adam writes on their official blog: “I can’t wait to get back to our show on Saturdays, I’ve really missed doing it. Not that I haven’t been every bit as busy as Joe. I’ve created several new filing systems for my CD’s and DVD’s, successfully reunited…

  • 2009 According to Adam and Joe

    I commute for 180 minutes a day at the moment, and one thing that makes that journey bearable is podcasts of the Adam and Joe show on BBC 6 Music. If you’ve never listened, you’re too late, they’re taking a break for a few months. But here’s a snippet of what you’ve missed… (you can…