Tag: amazon

  • One click ordering from Amazon is coming into your homes

    One click ordering from Amazon is coming into your homes

    Amazon’s “one click” ordering is well know in online shopping, providing the easiest possible way to buy something from Amazon. But Amazon are taking it a step further with a physical “dash” button you can place in your home to instantly order something. The imagined future of cupboards and fridges ordering your groceries for you really isn’t far…

  • Essential iPad apps

    It seems a tradition for anyone with a blog and an iPad to list their “essential” apps, so here’s mine. Accuweather – Is it still raining outside and you hadn’t noticed? http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/accuweather-free-for-ipad/id364616869  Adobe Ideas – Sketching app that also works with other documents for annotation. http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/adobe-ideas-1-0-for-ipad/id364617858 Adobe Photoshop Express – Simple photo editor http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/adobe-photoshop-express/id331975235 Amazon –…

  • The very best of Amazon customer’s reviews

    Here’s a selection of reviews I’ve seen on Amazon that I thought I’d collect together for other’s entertainment. Enjoy. Microwave for one – $19.92 Buy this book, or don’t, I don’t care anymore “It used to be that I got home from work and the only thing I’d want to put in my mouth was the…