Year: 2006

  • Met lift barrel, scrape underneath

    “The Met’s attempts to remove Brian Haw from outside Parliament have reached new lows by playing on people’s fear of terrorism. The anti-war protester Brian Haw could be exploited by terrorists wanting to bomb Westminster, a court heard. Mr Haw’s banners outside the Houses of Parliament could be used to conceal a device by extremists,…

  • Bed Jumping

    “Franman” is a fan of hotel bed jumping, so of course he enjoys visiting” More at:

  • Marksman called in to kill Kingston’s pigeons

    Some well though out comments to this news article: “Pidgeons were invented in 1921- the culmination of an amalgamation of crows and warblers. The handling is sublime particularly when cadence-winging. ” Full story at:

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    The Ducati and the Gerbil

    [youtube][/youtube] You need sound for the full effect.